Romance Technique Conventions
Mise En Scene:
location is often surrounded by nature, because it's seen as peaceful and stunning, which are characteristics associated with the romance genre. An example of locations like these are beaches, lakes, small towns in wooded areas, and other locations set in nature.
On the other hand many romance films are set in college or high/ middle schools as the characters in the film are young adults or teenagers. This appeals largely to audiences within the teenage range as they feel like they can relate to the people in the film and can picture themselves in the actor's situation.
Some romance films are shot in the city include young adults who meet at work and fall in love. An example of this would be '500 Days of Summer', along with the popular show, 'YOU'.
Costume design can vary largely in this genre. The most common costume design are regular clothes. This can be as simple as jeans and a shirt. This helps the audience resonate with the characters shown in the film. This may vary due to where the setting is. For example, a country location may have overalls and wife beaters for costume design, while a city location may have characters dressed in suits and ties.

Camera Shots/Edits:
Close up shots are used to show how important things are in the film. These are typically close ups of character's faces or something that is of much importance to the main character which helps the viewers notice it and intrigue them more. This also can emphasize the emotional response of the audience by making the object more important.
Long/Extreme Long shots are used to show the characters full costume so the audience can make their judgement on the character's personality from this.
Establishing shots are used to show the setting in which the narrative will be taking place in. Having these shots also help the viewers understand the characters at a deeper level, due to common stereotypes about location. A good example of this is how when people see a college campus, they will expect young adults having fun and/ or learning. This helps establish context and is essential.
Shot/ counter shot edits are used to clearly show a connection or relationship between two characters, most commonly the romantic relationship between the protagonists.