The More the Merrier
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Despite me thinking I was going to do this project myself, a fellow classmate asked if she could join me on my matcha journey. At first, I was a bit skeptical but then I thought to myself how much better it would be to get another head on the project with different ideas and perspectives. I later replied to her request with a hopeful yes and am excited for the journey ahead. I've seen some of her work and she seems like the ideal candidate for a partner in the documentary. All that is left is to ask Mrs. Stoklosa whether she can join or not since she was absent last class while everyone chose whether they would be working alone or in groups
Along with this, she loves matcha and knows multiple people that make it by hand with a matcha whisk and I feel that it would be a nice touch to the project. I definitely think that this will be crucial footage since we don't have the resources to go to Japan, the only place where the tea is grown. Hopefully, everything turns out fine in regards to creating high quality footage that reflects the story we want to tell.

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